What’s New in Booking Calendar Update 10.0 ?

Explore Simplified Integration and Enhanced Management

Easy Shortcode Integration

  • Discover the simplicity of integrating Booking Calendar shortcodes into your pages. Our updated UI for the configuration popup dialog simplifies the process of inserting booking forms, availability calendars, and other Booking Calendar shortcodes. Configuring all parameters is now super easy with our new structured wizard-style configuration dialog. Add the Booking Calendar to your page by using Booking Calendar Blocks in the WP Block Editor or by clicking on the Booking Calendar icon in the WP Classic Editor.

Unavailable Dates legend item

  • Easily configure Unavailable Dates legend item under the calendar at WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Calendar" section.

Changes in Premium Versions

Discover an enhanced user interface for the Resources page

  • New UI Design of Resource Page. Easily toggle between table header tabs to view specific information, such as the shortcode for embedding into pages, costs, default form, or parent/child relation for defining booking resource capacity. The interface is now clearer and more straightforward for a seamless experience (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser).

  • • Added search booking resources field to Options toolbar for easy searching by ID or Title keywords ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser).
  • • You now have the ability to save the number of booking resources per page directly from the Booking > Resources page (at pagination section). ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Explore the super ease of configuring "Conditional Days Selection"

  • • Set the number of days for selection based on a specific weekday.
  • • Determine the number of days for selection in a specific season.
  • • Define the number of days for selection starting from a specific date.
  • • Choose weekdays as start days for selection during a specific season.
  • (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

New shortcode for displaying taxes or additional fees based on the total booking cost.

  • This [total_cost] shortcode is used for displaying additional cost hints without affecting cost calculations. Since the total cost has already been calculated at this stage. For example, if you want to show the tax cost as 20% inclusive part of the total booking cost, set up your booking form fields like this:
    <div style="display:none;"> [checkbox tax_fee default:on ""]</div> Tax: [tax_fee_hint]
  • Now, define the additional cost for tax_fee at WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Form Options Costs page:
    tax_fee = ( [total_cost] * 0.2 )
  • (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Track Changes: Booking Edit Notification

  • • Whenever a booking is edited, a note stating 'The booking has been edited' will be generated for the booking. This note also contains the URL of the page where the user made the modifications. With this feature, you gain control over tracking changes to booking details.
  • • Now, booking notes such as "Imported from Google Calendar," "Payment section displayed," "Total cost manually entered," "Automatically calculated cost," etc., will be saved only if the "Logging actions for booking" option is activated in the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Admin Panel" section.

Additional Improvements in Free and Pro versions

Improvements in Pro Versions

  • • Sage/Opayo gateway becoming a payment product under the Elavon brand. Update name of payment gateway from SagePay to Opayo - Elavon. For more information, visit: https://www.elavon.co.uk/resource-center/news-and-insights/opayo-migration-faqs.html ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Enhanced Booking Management - When editing or duplicating a booking in the admin panel, you will now be redirected to the Booking Listing page, where the specific booking will be displayed. ( ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Enhanced Shortcode Functionality - Resolve the "403 permission error" issue encountered when modifying booking forms on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Booking Form page by utilizing the new shortcode [selectbox name "Option 1" "Option 2"] instead of [select name "Option 1" "Option 2"]. This update addresses the problem faced on certain Apache servers with ModSecurity firewall, which affects specific POST requests when saving booking form configurations. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Enhanced Deposit Management - Now, when a booking is made in the admin panel at WP Booking Calendar > Add booking page, the deposit amount in the cost field and notes section, as well as the total cost for the booking, will be updated accordingly. This feature requires displaying payment forms at the Booking > Add booking page in such cases. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Enhanced Import Functionality - You can now utilize the option 'Trash / delete all imported bookings before new import' in situations where imports are initiated via the Google Calendar API instead of .ics feeds. This feature provides greater control over managing imported bookings and ensures a smoother import process. Please note that this feature requires the installation of the Booking Manager plugin. (
  • • Enhanced Payment Confirmation - You now have the ability to use the [booking_confirm] shortcode on the "Successful payment" page, where users are redirected after making a payment via the Stripe or PayPal payment system. This allows you to configure the page to display a message such as 'Your payment for the booking has been successfully received. [booking_confirm]', providing users with confirmation of their payment along with booking details. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Improvements in Free version

  • • Ability to dismiss the booking statistic section at Booking > Settings General page in "Info / News" for improved admin panel loading speed. (
  • • Enhanced Performance - To improve the speed of page loading in the admin panel, statistic functions will now run only on the Dashboard and Booking Calendar settings pages. This optimization ensures a smoother user experience by focusing resource-intensive tasks only where necessary. (
  • • Prevent showing real preview in Elementor to reduce potential conflicts; instead, show 'WP Booking Calendar Shortcode block' (
  • • Prevent execution of Booking Calendar shortcodes while editing posts/pages, reducing potential conflicts (

Under Hood Changes

  • • Customize showing booked time slots as inactive slots with a red background after selecting specific dates. Configure this in the ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/js/wpbc_time-selector.js file by searching //FixIn: (
  • • Update the URLs for send transactions for Opayo - Elavon (former SagePay) to an Elavon domain on 31st March 2024. For more details, please refer to the following link: https://developer.elavon.com/products/opayo-forms/v1/test-and-live-urls-4633 ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Option to Hide Payment Form After Visitor Edits Own Booking - You now have the ability to define not to show the payment form after a visitor edits their own booking. This can be achieved by using the shortcode [visitorbookingediturl]&is_show_payment_form=Off in the New (visitor) email template at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Emails page. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)


  • Hungarian Translation Update. Translation has been updated, reaching 96% completion, courtesy of VinczeI.
  • German Translation Update. Translation has been updated, reaching 96% completion, courtesy of Wibias.

Bug Fixes

  • • Resolved possible PHP 8 incompatibility issue (
  • • Resolved issue of showing top messages (
  • • Corrected the issue of incorrectly showing today's date as an unavailable date in the calendar on servers with a timezone different from UTC, especially in American timezones (
  • • Addressed the issue of incorrectly showing bookings in Calendar Overview and Timeline when the timezone was incorrectly defined by themes (in functions.php file) or other plugins via incorrectly defined the timezone via this PHP functions: like date_default_timezone_set('America/Chicago'); Even it is not correct way of defining timezone, relative to https://make.wordpress.org/core/2019/09/23/date-time-improvements-wp-5-3/ . Now plugin correctly resolve this issue. (
  • • Re-created the "Thank you" confirmation page (such as https://server.com/wpbc-booking-received/) if the confirmation booking page was previously defined as follow: https://server.com/thank-you/ (
  • • Resolved fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access offset of type string on string in ../wpbc-class-timeline_v2.php on line 3100 (
  • Search Availability Functionality Issue - An issue has been resolved in the Search Availability functionality. Previously, it was not possible to find pages with booking form shortcodes when the booking resource was defined using the 'resource_id' parameter instead of 'type'. This fix ensures that the search functionality now works as expected, allowing users to locate pages with booking forms accurately. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Correct Sorting Order for Booking Resources - An issue has been addressed where the sorting order for booking resources in select-boxes was not defined correctly during the change of booking resource for a specific booking. This fix ensures that booking resources are displayed in the correct order. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Correction of Start Day Definition - An issue has been resolved where Sunday was incorrectly defined as the start day for selection in specific seasons when using conditions in the shortcode. For example, when using a shortcode like [booking resource_id=1 options='{start-day condition="season" for="myHighSeason" value="0"},{select-day condition="season" for="myHighSeason" value="8,15,22,29"}'], Sunday was inaccurately identified as the start day. This fix ensures that the start day for selection in specific seasons is correctly determined. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Corrected Saving of Booking Dates - An issue has been resolved where booking dates were incorrectly saved if the option "Set check out date as available" was activated at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Calendar" section. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Corrected Redirect Issue for Failed Payments - An issue has been addressed where users were incorrectly redirected to the home page instead of the failed URL when payments failed via iDeal (Buckaroo). ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Resolved an issue causing a possible PHP Fatal error has been resolved. This error, specifically the Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: null + string, occurred in the wpbc-calc-string.php file when non-standard shortcodes with arithmetic operations were used on the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Form Options Costs page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Corrected Minimum Date Selection Issue - An issue has been addressed where the minimum number of dates in the calendar was incorrectly selected if a user clicked twice on the same date, and the system had a minimum number defined higher than 1 day. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Corrected End Time Selection Issue - An issue has been resolved where, if the option "Use selected times for each booking date" was deactivated, the system incorrectly blocked end times when a user selected multiple dates. For example, if the start time was booked from 00:00 to 15:00, the system would block the end time until 15:00, even if the end date was fully available. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Corrected Display Issue with Check-In/Out Dates - An issue has been resolved where the check-in/out dates (triangles) were incorrectly shown as fully available dates in booking resources with specific capacity. This occurred when one of the child booking resources had a change-over dates situation rather than being fully booked. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

What’s New in Booking Calendar 7.0

Changes in all versions

New Timeline at front-end side.

Show availability in fully new awesome way (old "Calendar Overview page from admin panel). Free version support showing booked dates with "blank pipelines". Paid versions have much more functionality here.

  • Ability to show Timeline at front-end in month format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline view_days_num=90 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=-30]
  • Ability to show Timeline at front-end in year format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline view_days_num=365 scroll_start_date="" scroll_month=-3]
  • Ability to show Timeline at front-end in day format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline view_days_num=30 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=-15]
  • Ajax updating info during scrolling months, without page reloading.

Updated Timeline (Calendar Overview page) in admin panel.

  • Showing popover with booking details by mouse click, instead of mouse-over. Its help to show booking data at mobile devices.
  • Link in popover to Booking Listing page with this booking.
  • Approve or cancel exist booking from popover.
  • Improvement Even better looking on mobile devices.


Updated Booking Listing page.

  • Updated Filters and Actions toolbars.
  • New Ability to select range of bookings, like in gMail (Shift + Click) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox.
  • Improvement Showing new bookings with new icon.
  • Improvement Even better looking on mobile devices.
  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.

Updated Add New Booking page.

  • New redesigned options toolbar.
  • New configuration number of month to show and width/height of calendar at Add New Booking page and saving this info. In advanced options toolbar section.


Updated General Settings page.

  • New Ability to define position of Booking menu (top, middle, bottom section).
  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.

Updated Form Fields Settings page.

  • New ability to create unlimited number of booking form fields.
  • Support Text fields, Textarea fields, Dropdown lists, and (new) Checkboxes fields.
  • New Arrange order of form fields in booking form by drag and drop sorting.
  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
  • Improvement Ability to edit exist form fields settings.
  • Improvement Ability to delete exist form fields.

Updated Emails Settings page.

  • New Configuration of sending emails in text, html or multipart format.
  • New Selection stylee of email templates for HTML/multipart format.
  • New Definition of colors for some email styles.
  • New Configuration of header and footer content for emails.
  • New Validation of saving email addresses in correct format, and showing warnings otherwise. Its have to prevent of not sending emails issue in some cases.
  • New Pending email template - send email, if booking set as pending.
  • New Trash email template - send email, if booking has been declined - moved to trash.
  • New Deleted email template - send email, if booking has been deleted - completely erased.
  • New Test sending email button - for ability to test that emails are sending.
  • New Shortcodes for using in email templates.
  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.

Updated Import Settings page.

  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.

Under the Hood

  • New Booking Menu items in Top WordPress Admin Bar
  • Improvement Full refactoring of source code.
  • Improvement Updated of BS version.
  • Improvement Updated all UI elements - all buttons and UI elements looks even more sharp and nice.
  • Improvement New icons for UI elements. Good looking on retina displays. Instead of images is using font icons.
  • Updated showing info and warning messages.
  • Improved pagination.
  • Under the Hood Added many new hooks in source code.
  • Under the Hood New URL (parameters) for booking menu pages.
  • Under the Hood Updated CSS files.
  • Under the Hood Updated JS files.
  • And many other improvements...

Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions

New Timeline at front-end side.

Show availability in fully new awesome way (old "Calendar Overview page from admin panel). Free version support showing booked dates with "blank pipelines". Paid versions have much more functionality here. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • Show Timeline at front-end for several resources in month format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="1,2,3,4" view_days_num=30 scroll_start_date="" scroll_month=0 header_title="All Bookings"] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Show Timeline at front-end for several resources in 2 months format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="4,2,1,3" view_days_num=60 scroll_start_date="" scroll_month=-1 header_title="All Bookings"] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Show Timeline at front-end for several resources in week format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="3,4" view_days_num=7 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=-7 header_title="All Bookings"] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Show Timeline at front-end for several resources in day format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="3,4" view_days_num=1 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=0 header_title="All Bookings"] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Show Timeline at front-end for single resource in month format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="4" view_days_num=90 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=-30] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Show Timeline at front-end for single resource in year format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="4" view_days_num=365 scroll_start_date="" scroll_month=-3] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Show Timeline at front-end for single resource in day format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="4" view_days_num=30 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=-15] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New Ability to activate showing bookings detail in popover, when mouse click on specific booking "pipeline", in the same way as in admin panel. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New Ability to configure showing titles of booking, like ID, Name or other fields, in "pipeline of bookings". (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Support responsive interface for showing on mobile devices. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated Timeline (Calendar Overview page) in admin panel. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • New Show notes in booking popover at Timeline page.
  • New Ability to print specific booking from Timeline page by clicking on Print buttin in popover. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Even more nice view at mobile devices. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated Booking Listing page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • Improvement Showing notes button with different color, if booking have some notes. For more easy checking. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Changing languages at Booking Listing page for specific action. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Updated Print modal window. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Showing currency relative to each specific user settings in MultiUser version. (MultiUser)

Updated Resources settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • New Ability to select range of booking resources, like in gMail (Shift + Click) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Sort of booking resources in resources table by different parameters (ID, Name, Priority, Users). By clicking on column header title. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Creating several booking resources during one process. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Ability to re-assign exist booking resource to other activated booking user (MultiUser)
  • Showing additional info near each booking resources (like "Capacity" or booking resource "Single", "Child" type of resource). (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Shortcode Ability to use shortcode like: [bookingresource type=1 show="capacity" date="2016-09-13""] (fix: (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Ability to hide children booking resources (Business Large, MultiUser)

Updated "Cost and rates" settings page - Rates section (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • New Ability to select several rates (like in gMail {Shift + Click}) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Direct links to seasons for editing from each rate. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement When logged in as super admin user , ability to show or hide seasons from all regular users. (MultiUser)
  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Setting "Rates" to several selected booking resources (by selecting bulk action option). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated "Cost and rates" settings page - Valuation days section (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • New Sorting "Valuation days" by drag and drop specific cost row. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New Ability to select several costs (like in gMail {Shift + Click}) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement When logged in as super admin user, ability to show or hide seasons from all regular users. (MultiUser)
  • Improvement Setting "Valuation days" to several selected booking resources (by selecting bulk action option). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated "Cost and rates" settings page - Deposit section (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • Improvement When logged in as super admin user, ability to show or hide seasons from all regular users. (MultiUser)
  • Improvement Setting "Deposit" to several selected booking resources (by selecting bulk action option). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated Advanced cost settings page (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • New Support radio buttons for setting additional cost. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Updated interface of configuration advanced cost - more clear selection type of additional cost in drop down lists. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Saving "Advanced costs" for each Custom booking form separately. Its improve of searching issues during saving if some form will have wrong configuration. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • If having several fields with the same name in booking form (for example, if configured several languages), showing specific field only once, for correct saving additional cost. Please note, in this case options in selectbox must be same withing any languages. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Default value for new field, right now 0 USD, instead of previous 100%. For more easy to understand this logic. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated Discount Coupons settings page (Business Large, MultiUser)

  • New Ability to select several coupons (like in gMail {Shift + Click}) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • New Ability to re-assign exist coupons filter to other activated booking user (MultiUser)
  • New Sort of coupons by different fields. (By clicking on column header title). (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data. (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Editing fields of several coupons from one listing page, like minimum cost, number of usage and expiration date. (Business Large, MultiUser)

Updated Availability settings page (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • New Ability to select several seasons (like in gMail {Shift + Click}) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New Sort of availability by different fields. (By clicking on column header title). (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Direct links to seasons for editing from each rate. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement When logged in as super admin user , ability to show or hide seasons from all regular users. (MultiUser)
  • Improvement Setting availability to several selected booking resources (by selecting bulk action option). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated Season Filters settings page (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • New Ability to select several seasons (like in gMail {Shift + Click}) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New Ability to re-assign exist season filter to other activated booking user (MultiUser)
  • New Sort of seasons by different fields. (By clicking on column header title). (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • New more clear interface of selecting dates. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated General Settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • Improvement Removed Cost section to Settings Payment page. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New Customization of booking title in timeline at front-end side for showing different info, like Name or Second Name of person who made the booking, etc... (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New Ability to enable showing popover with booking details in timeline at front-end side, in the same way as its showing in admin panel at Calendar Overview (timeline) page . (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated Fields Settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
  • New shortcodes for showing hints in booking form: [resource_title_hint], [bookingresource show="id"], [bookingresource show="title"], [bookingresource show="cost"], [bookingresource show="capacity"], [bookingresource show="maxvisitors"] (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated Emails Settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.

Updated Import Settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • New Ability to search specific booking resource by ID and Title
  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.

Updated Search Settings page. (Business Large, MultiUser)

  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
  • Improvement Updated help sections with shortcodes that possible to use in search forms.

Updated Add New Booking page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Updated Payment Gateways Settings page. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

  • New payment gateway files. Important! If you was customized previously own payment gateway, in update 7.0 you need to customize your payment system relative to new payment gateway structure. In the same was as its done with any exist payment system. For including loading o your payment gateway file, you need to use this code and hook:
    function add_my_gateway( $gateway ){ return $gateway . ",gateway_ID"; } add_filter( "wpbc_gateways_original_id_list", "add_my_gateway" );
  • New Sorting payment gateways order by drug and dropt specific payment gateways rows (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement showing active currency and status for each payment gateways (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New configuration of payment summary details. Many new shortcodes for configuration payment summary info. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New setting general currency for plugin interface (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New setting currency position and format (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement configuration of cost per period at Settings > Payment page (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement configuration of options: "Time impact to cost", "Advanced cost option" at Settings > Payment page (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement configuration of billing form fields assignment at Settings > Payment page (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.

Updated Users Settings page. (MultiUser)

  • New Ability to search specific user by ID and Title
  • New Ability to sort users by ID, Name and Role
  • Improvement Showing additional info near each user, like status and role.
  • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.

What’s new in update 6.2

What's New in Booking Calendar

Move bookings to trash instead of complete deleting.

From now you can move your bookings to trash instead of complete deleting. Its will make booking dates as available in calendar and you will not lose this booking info, if you will need it later. Also you can restore specific booking from trash or complete delete it.

New features in Premium versions of Booking Calendar

Extend booking dates/times interval to extra hours or days.

You can define extra minutes / hours or even dates before and/or after bookings to set as unavailable time in calendar. Its useful for adding cleaning time, or any other service time, which required before or after the booking.
(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Under the Hood

  • Improvement Ability to use [booking_id], [resource_title] shortcodes in the Content of booking fields data form at Booking > Settings > Fields page, for ability to show booking ID and booking resources in payment summary. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Resolved issue of not showing available day(s), if all start times have booked for this specific day(s). (Example of shortcode in booking form: [select starttime "11:00" "13:00" "15:00"]). (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Ability to book dates in additional calendar(s), without selection date(s) in main calendar, if used several calendars of different booking resources and only 1 booking form. Restriction in this case the "payment summary" after booking is not showing. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement Added search users form at the Settings Users page. (MultiUser)

What’s new in update 6.1

What's New in Booking Calendar

Customization of legend items under calendar

Display or hide "Today date number" in legend cells under calendar.

Faster check actual bookings

Showing past bookings "darker", than actual bookings at TimeLine

Updated Translations

  • New Turkish by EMİNA MESİNOVİC
  • German by Peter Wegmann and Christian
  • French by Laurent Thiry and Terry Atkinson
  • Italian by Fabrizio Pecorelli
  • Spanish by Juan C and Juan García Piosa
  • Finnish by Turo Numminen and Peter Grönberg
  • Dutch by Wim Bommerez
  • Danish by Ib H. Rasmussen
  • Swedish by Mikael Göransson and Jan Österling
  • Norwegian by Håvard Hasli
  • Czech by Ales Dlask
  • Hungarian by István Vincze
  • Greece by Dimitris Amanatiadis
  • Ukrainian
  • Russian
  • Polish by Danek Szczepan
  • Slovak by Martin Ambruš and Martin Galdun

New features in Premium versions of Booking Calendar

Advanced search availability functionality

  • New. Ability to search for additional 2 days in search availability form. Use this shortcode in search form: [additional_search "2"] +/- 2 days.
  • New. Ability to show how many search results found. To show use {searchresults} shortcode in search form shortcode.
    [bookingsearch searchresultstitle='{searchresults} Results Found' searchresults='https://you-server.com/search-results/' noresultstitle='Nothing Found.']
  • New. Show Search Results Log at Booking > Settings > Search page in Search Cache section for more easy detect any issues with search results.
  • Improvement. Ability to use check-boxes in the search form for additional parameters.
  • Improvement. Ability to use several times custom fields with same name in posts for definition several additional parameters with different values for the search form.

(Business Large, MultiUser)

Under the Hood

  • Improvement. Correctly showing change-over days, as half booked day, that have pending check-in/out and approved check-out/in bookings in the same day.
    (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement. Ability to use in emails new shortcode: [check_out_plus1day] - inserting next day after last selected day in calendar for specific booking. Its useful in some cases, if business workflow require to show as checkout day the next day after last selected date. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement. Added ability to save "Advanced cost settings" only for selected custom or standard form. Its prevent issue of not saving some values, if exist too many custom forms and too many options for the additional cost.
    (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement. Correct work of "Auto-fill" button at Booking > Add booking page for bookings with change-over days.
    (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • New. Ability to transfer custom parameters from booking form shortcode into the content of booking form.
    Example of shortcode usage:
    [booking type=1 form_type='standard' nummonths=3 options='{parameter name="my_param" value="value"},{parameter name="other_param" value="other value"}']
    Example of booking form customization: [text some_field_name "my_param"] and [text other_field_name "other_param"].
    (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement. Showing times in header of TimeLine, when selected several booking resources and one day view mode in Calendar Overview mode. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improvement. Ability to set constant WP_BK_IS_SEND_EMAILS_ON_COST_CHANGE to TRUE in ../lib/wpbc-constants.php file for sending modification email, if cost was changed in admin panel.
    (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

What’s New in Version Update 6.0

What's New in Booking Calendar

Faster check actual bookings

Showing past bookings "darker", than actual bookings at Calendar Overview page (timeline) in admin panel.
Nicer view for faster checking past and actual bookings.

Get bookings that check in/out during today

Find exactly bookings, that check in or check out during today.

Under the Hood

New. Native integration with WPML plugin. Using [wpml] tags for translation at the WPML > "String translation" page.
Example: [wpml] Some Text [/wpml]
Required WPML 3.2 & String Translation plugin.
Trick. Trigger event "date_selected" after selection of date(s) in calendar. Example:
jQuery( ".booking_form_div" ).on( "date_selected", function(event, bk_type, date) { ... } );
Improvement. More polished and cleaner buttons and UI elements in toolbars at Booking Listing and Calendar Overview pages.

Updated Translations

  • French by Fabien Groslambert, Charles Petitfour
  • Norwegian by Håvard Hasli, Patrick Schneider
  • Portugal by Pedro Morgado
  • Hungarian by István Vincze
  • Finnish by Jukka Turunen
  • Catalan by Fiiiu - Gerard H. Serra
  • German by Stefan Fritsche, Dirk Gabler, Andreas Dupp
  • Italian by Fabrizio Pecorelli, Astolfo Vesci
  • Swedish by Jan Österling, Ruben Salas
  • Russian by Arm
  • Ukrainian by Ivanka from Coupofy
  • Croatian by Borislav Bosnjak

New features in Premium versions of Booking Calendar

Select language for specific actions

Select language of email template during operations like approving, cancellation or sending payment request for exist bookings. Note, you have to have additional languages in email templates.
(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Duplicate bookings

Ability to duplicate exist booking into different booking resource (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Limit available days from today

Select number of available days in calendar starting from today. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Discount coupons enhancement

Defining of the number of times of usage coupon codes and ability to edit exist coupon codes. (Business Large, MultiUser)

Under the Hood

New. Shortcodes for showing info of specific booking resource in booking form at Booking > Settings > Fields page:
[bookingresource show='id'] - show ID,
[bookingresource show='title'] - show title,
[bookingresource show='cost'] - show cost,
[bookingresource show='capacity'] - show capacity ,
[bookingresource show='maxvisitors'] - show maximum number of visitors per booking resource
(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
Improvement of changing booking resource for exist bookings.
Additional checking of intersections time-slots of bookings.
(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Improvement of checking option "to prevent double booking, during submitting booking", when booking was made for specific check in/out times.
(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Improvement. Do not highlight next date(s), when mouse-over on already selected date. And do not highlight date(s), when mouse outside of calendar.(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
Improvement. Prevent of showing any hints (costs, dates...), if selected only Check In day, while using range days selection mode using 2 mouse clicks. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

What’s New in Version Update 5.4

What's New in Booking Calendar Free version

Import of Google Calendar Events

Ability to activate importing of Google Calendar Events as bookings into Booking Calendar. Assign event title, description and location to the specific booking field. Now using new Google Calendar API v3.

Auto Import of Google Calendar Events

Ability to activate and configure auto import of Google Calendar events during specific intervals of time.

Load JS and CSS files only on specific pages

Its useful, if exist some conflict(s) or you want to optimize loading of website, and you need to load Booking Calendar JS and CSS files only at the specific pages, where you are having booking forms or availability calendars. You can activate and configure this feature at the General Booking Settings page in Advanced section, by expanding "Advanced settings of JavaScript loading".

Updated translation

  • Spanish by Juan C, Juan García Piosa [100% completed]
  • French by Carlo Calamar, Terry Atkinson, Jean-Sébastien DANGLADE [100% completed]
  • Danish by Ib H. Rasmussen [100% completed]
  • Dutch by Wim Bommerez [100% completed]
  • Bulgarian by Nadejda Chotorova [100% completed]
  • Polish by Danek Szczepan [100% completed]
  • Russian by ARM [100% completed]
  • Greece by Dimitris Amanatiadis [100% completed]
  • Slovak by Lubomir Host, Martin Galdun, Martin Ambrus [100% completed]
  • Czech by Ales Dlask, Martin Ambrus [100% completed]
  • Croatian by Jirka Pitzmos [95% completed]

Own Calendar Skins

Ability to save own calendar skin to the /wp-content/uploads/wpbc_skins/ folder, that do not overriding during plugin update. Its will save your custom calendar skin, if you will make upgrade of plugin to new plugin update.

New features in Premium versions of Booking Calendar

Direct Bank Transfer and Cash payments

Allow payments for visitors by

  • direct bank / wire transfer
  • payments with cash

(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Show Cost of Booking in Search Results

Ability to show cost of the booking for specific booking resources in search results. This cost depends from the check in and check out dates and number of selected visitors.

Shortcodes for search results form:

[cost_hint] - total cost of booking,

[original_cost_hint] - booking cost of the selected dates only,

[additional_cost_hint] - additional cost, which depends on the fields selection in the form,

[deposit_hint] - deposit cost of the booking,

[balance_hint] - balance cost of the booking

(Business Large, MultiUser)

Show Deposit payment, depends from season

Condition to show the "Deposit payment" form, if the "Check In" day of booking is inside of the specific Season Filter.
(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Show cost of each additional item

Ability to show cost hints separately for the each items, that have additional cost at Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page.

For example, if you have configured additional cost for my_tax option at Advanced cost page,
then in booking form you can use this shortcode [my_tax_hint] to show additional cost of this specific option.

Add "_hint" term to name of shortcode for creation hint shortcode.

(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Widget for selection of booking resources

Adding to website sidebar widget for selection of booking resources. Ability to select specific resource to list in widget, set preselected resource and some other parameters.
(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Under the Hood

New. Shortcodes for showing name or cost of booking resources in content of posts or pages.
[bookingresource type=3 show="title"]: [bookingresource type=3 show="cost"].

(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
New. Each booking have Print button at Booking Listing page. Easily print booking data for any specific single booking.
(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
Improvement. Ability to print and export to CSV only selected booking(s) at the Booking Listing page instead of All bookings.
(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

New. Ability to show both payments forms for deposit and total booking cost. Manual activation in ../lib/wpbc-constants.php by setting WP_BK_SHOW_DEPOSIT_AND_TOTAL_PAYMENT = TRUE.
Important! In Booking Listing page bookings will have deposit cost and notes about deposit, do not depend from type of payment.
(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
Improvement. Removed "Deposit payment" option from the General Booking Settings page in Cost section. Its possible to activate/deactivate and configure deposit payments for the specific booking resources at the Cost and rates page.
(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
Improvement. New preselected booking resource option in popup window of insertion dropdown list of booking resources. Ability to define text of first option in this dropdown list.
(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

What’s New in Version Update 5.3

Selectbox in booking form

Ability to use drop down list in your booking form. You can configure selections of the different options, like number of visitors, times, etc... Please note, the times will be saved to the DB and is not using for availability. If you need bookings for the specific times, you need to check Business Small or higher versions.

Improved Emails Configuration

Visual editors for the email templates at the Booking > Settings > Emails page. You can edit your email templates by using Visual editor or Text (HTML) form.

Double booking checking on server side

You can activate checking to prevent double booking, during submitting booking. This feature useful to prevent double booking of the same date(s) or time(s), if several visitors try to book the same date(s) in same calendar during the same time (same session).

Updated translation

  • Slovak by Martin Galdun [67% completed]
  • German by Andreas Dupp [27% completed]
  • Polish by Danek Szczepan [100% completed]
  • Spanish by Juan C [100% completed]

Nicer warnings

Showing warning message under calendar, instead of popup alerts, if user did not select day(s) in calendar during submiting booking.

Improvement in booking settings

Reordering some sections at the General Booking Settings page for having more logical view.

New features in Premium versions of Booking Calendar

Rates in days cells

Ability to show daily cost (rates) inside of the days cells in calendar(s).
(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Edit toolbar for booking forms

New HMTL edit toolbar for the Booking Forms and Content of Booking Fields form at Booking > Settings > Fields page.
(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Under the Hood

New. Automatic checking of new updates in paid versions of Booking Calendar and show notifications on WordPress > Plugins page.
(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
Improvement. Showing "Form Fields" and "Content of Booking Fields" at the same page. To prevent forget of editing both forms.
(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
Improvement. Sort items from search availability results by "booking resources priority" descending order.
(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Improvement. You can click on booking resources labels at Booking Listing page to show bookings only from specific resource.
(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
Improvement. You can click on season filters labels at Rates and Availability pages for fast editing of specific season.
(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
Improvement. Do not show times tooltip over specific date cell, if booking made for several days with change-over days.
(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

What’s New in Version Update 5.2

What's New in Booking Calendar Free version

Allow multiple bookings per same day

Your website visitors will be able to make several bookings per same date(s) in same calendar.

Emails Configuration

Activate and configure Email Templates about new booking, approval of booking, decline of booking, which is sending to visitor, who made the booking and also copy to administrator.

Under the Hood

Updated translation

Updated translations:

  • Spanish

Code refactoring and CSS optimization

Code refactoring and CSS optimization.

Replacing /js/wpdev.bk.js file to /js/client.js and /js/admin.js files, which are loading accordingly.

Do not show CAPTCHA at admin panel.

Do not show CAPTCHA in booking form at the "Add booking" page in admin panel, if the CAPTCHA activated.

For more information about current update, see release notes or check What's New in previous Updates ...

New Features in the Paid versions of Booking Calendar 5.2

Booking Admin Panel support fully responsive design that looks great on any device.
Industry standard Interface - resources at the first column and booking dates in right rows.

{ Available in Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Under the Hood

Improve of update process

Rechecking, if the update from previous version was making in not correct way (relative to FAQ) and then reupdate plugin. It fixes issues, if update was making in wrong way.

{ Available in Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Ability to use "required" radio fields

You can set the radio buttons fields as required fields at the Booking > Settings > Fields page. Example: [radio* fiel_dname "1" "2" "3" "4"]

{ Available in Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Show events ID for bookings

Ability to use [sync_gid] shortcode at the Booking > Settings > Fields > Content of Booking Fields page to show ID of Google Calendar Event, which was imported by Booking Calendar

{ Available in Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Set default selected resource

Ability to set default booking resource in [bookingselect... shortcode for auto selection booking form of specific resource.
Example: [bookingselect label='Select:' form_type='standard' nummonths=1 type='17,16,15' selected_type='15']

{ Available in Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Placeholders for Text Fields

New "placeholder" parameter for text fields at the Booking > Settings > Fields page. Example: [text myname placeholder:First_Name]

{ Available in Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

New help section

New "Tips and Tricks" section at the shortcode generator at Booking > Settings > Fields page. Description about usage of email verification field.

{ Available in Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

What’s New in Version Update 5.1

What's New in Booking Calendar Free version

Responsive, modern and easy to use Booking Admin Panel

Multilingual Form Fields

Ability to define booking form fields in several languages, while using multilingual plugins like WPML or qTranslate.

Under the Hood

New translations

Support translations of several new languages (Norwegian, Brazilian Portuguese) and update of some exist lanagues (Danish, Dutch).

New 'Set Read All' button

New button to set all bookings as 'read' in the Filters tab on Booking Listing page

Many other improvements and fixes

This update contain many other small fixes, code refactoring and improvements.

Many other improvements and small issues fixing. For more information, see the release notes.

What's New in Premium versions of Booking Calendar

Responsive and easy to use Booking Admin Panel

Booking Admin Panel support fully responsive design that looks great on any device.
Industry standard Interface - resources at the first column and booking dates in right rows.

{ Available in Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Conditions for Deposit payment

Show deposit payment, only if difference between "Today" and "Check In" days higher then specific number of days.

Valuation days for cost per night

Ability to set "Valuation days" cost settings if was setting "cost per night" option.

Valuation days depend from Check In

Calculation "Valuation days" cost setting that depend from Season Filter of "Check In" date.

{ Available in Business Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Under the Hood

Users Pagination

Pagination of users listing on the Settings Users page

{ Available in MultiUser version }

Custom form selection

Ability to select default custom booking form during creation of booking resources

{ Available in Business Large, MultiUser versions }

Custom forms for regular users

Trick. Ability to set TRUE of the constant WP_BK_CUSTOM_FORMS_FOR_REGULAR_USERS in wpdev-booking.php file for activation additional "custom forms" functionality for "regular users"

{ Available in MultiUser version }

Auto select Default Custom Form

Auto select Default Custom Form of specific resource, for booking resource selection shortcode - [bookingselect]. Note, parameter form_type in this shortcode must be skipped.

{ Available in Business Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Using 'options' for booking resources selection

Ability to use option parameter in the [bookingselect ...] shortcode in the same way, as it possible to use for [booking ...] shortcode.

{ Available in Business Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Auto expand booking notes

Trick. Ability to set TRUE of the constant WP_BK_SHOW_BOOKING_NOTES in wpdev-booking.php file for expand "filled notes section" of bookings in booking listing page

{ Available in Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

For more information about current update, see release notes or check What's New in previous Update 5.0 ...

What’s New in Version Update 5.0

What's New in Booking Calendar Free version

Responsive, stylish and easy to customize design

Responsive front end design

We have completely rewritten the CSS of calendar skins and booking form. Booking form and calendar support fully responsive design that looks great on any device.

Easy to customize

Much easier to configure for your site design. Configure calendar width, height or even structure (number of months in a row).

Smoother Booking Experience

Booking form has new attractive calendar skins and sleek form fields with nice warning messages.

Configure your predefined set of form fields

Write Labels for your fields

Now possible to change the form fields labels (at Booking > Settings > Fields page).

Activate or Deactivate fields

You can activate or deactivate the fields from the predefined fields set.

Set as required specific fields

You can set as required specific fields in your booking form from the predefined fields set.

Nice and Easy to Understand Interface with Buttons for Fast Actions

Approve or Reject Booking in 1 Click on Calendar Overview page

Approve, Decline or Delete booking with One Click on the Calendar Overview panel.

Under the Hood

Customize the Calendar Skins

The calendar skins ../css/skins/ are located separate from the calendar structure file ../css/calendar.css and very well commented. So you do not need to worry about the structure, sizes or responsive design of the calendar and concentrate only on design.

Improved Performance

WP Booking Calendar%s has been dramatically improved in terms of performance to make your site run better and faster.

Many other improvements and small issues fixing. For more information, see the release notes.

What's New in Premium versions of Booking Calendar

New Calendar Overview panel for Multiple Booking Resources ('Matrix')

Beautiful Easy to Understand Interface

Booking dates near specific resource in easy to understand calendar.

Day, Week, Month or 2 Months View Mode

Ability to set a Day, Week, Month or 2 Months view mode for the 'Matrix' Calendar Overview panel.

Several, Specific or All Resources

Ability select several, specific or all booking resources at 'Filter tab' of Booking Listing or Calendar Overview panel.

{ Available in Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Show Pending Days as Available

Ability to book Pending Days

Set booked dates as "Pending" until you approve, protecting against lost bookings or spam entries.

Auto Decline

Activate the Auto decline (delete) all pending bookings in your booking resource for the specific date(s), if you've approved other booking for these date(s).

{ Available in Business Large, MultiUser versions }

Different Time Slots (or other content) for the Different Selected Days.

Set Different Time Slots for the Different Days.

You can configure different Time Slots availability for the different days (weekday or date from season filter). Each week day (day of specific season filter) can have different time slots list.
Check more here..

Show Specific Form Content, if Desired Date is Selected

You need to show specific field(s), form section or just text, if specific date is selected (weekday or date from season filter) - it's also possible. Check more here..

{ Available in Business Medium/Large, MultiUser versions }

Configure Days Selection as You Need.

Configure Number of Days selection

Specify that during certain seasons (or week days), the specific minimum (or fixed) number of days must be booked. Check more about 'options' here.

{ Available in Business Medium/Large, MultiUser versions }

Set several Start Days

Specify several weekdays as possible start day for the range days selection.

Easy configuration of range days selection

Configure 'specific days selections', for the 'range days selection' mode, in a more comfortable way.
Separate days by dash or comma.
Example: '3-5,7,14'. Shows how to select: 3, 4, 5, 7, 14 days.

{ Available in Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser versions }

Easily configure your booking form fields.

New help system for booking form fields configuration.

You can easily configure different form field’s shortcodes using smart configuration panel.

New form Fields and parameters

Booking Calendar supports many new additional parameters for existing shortcodes, and some new fields, like radio buttons.

{ Available in Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser versions }

Payments and Costs.


Integration with Authorize.Net Payment Gateway - Server Integration Method (SIM).
Integration with this gateway was one of the most our common user requests.
Now it's existing.

Currency Format

Configure currency format show cost in the payment form.
{ Available in Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Do More with Less Actions

Assign Availability, Rates, Valuations days or Deposit amount to the several booking resources in 1 step.
Select several booking resources. Click on Availability, Rates, Valuations days or Deposit button.
Configure and Update settings. That's it!

{ Available in Business Medium / Large, MultiUser versions }

Under the Hood

[denyreason] shortcode for 'Approve' email

You can write some text into the 'Reason for cancellation' field and include this custom text in the Approve email template.

{ Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser }

qTranslate Support

Full support of the qTranslate plugin.
Include the search results content and links to the post with booking forms in correct language.
{ Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser }

Edit Past Bookings

Edit your bookings, where the time or dates have been already in the past.

{ Personal, Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser }

Checking End Time only

Set checking is only for end time of bookings for Today.
(Start time in past).
Reactivate old checking using JavaScript is_check_start_time_gone=true;

{ Business Small / Medium / Large, MultiUser }

Set cost for the 'Check Out' date

Possibility to use new reserved word LAST (Check Out date) in the Valuation days cost settings page for the field 'For'. (You can define the cost of the last selected date.)
{ Business Medium / Large, MultiUser }

Advanced Additional Cost

Set additional cost of the booking as percentage of the original booking cost. This original booking cost doesn't have impact from any other additional cost settings. Usage: just write '+' sign before percentage number. Example: +50%.
{ Business Medium / Large, MultiUser }

Set 'Check In/Out' dates as Available

Set 'check in/out' dates as available for resources with capacity higher than one. It's useful, if check in date of booking have to be the same as check out date of other booking.
{ Business Large, MultiUser }

Visitors Selection in Search Result

Auto selection of the correct visitor number in the booking form, when the user redirected from the search form.

{ Business Large, MultiUser }

Use 'Unavailable days from today' settings in Search Form

Using the settings of 'Unavailable days from today' for the calendars in the search form.
{ Business Large, MultiUser }

Shortcodes for Emails and Content Form

Long list of useful shortcodes for the Email Templates and the 'Content of Booking Fields' form:

{ Business Medium / Large, MultiUser }

New Shortcodes for Hints in booking form.

New shortcodes for showing real-time hints (like [cost_hint]) inside of the booking form:

{ Business Medium / Large, MultiUser }

Many other improvements and small issue fixing. For more information, see the release notes.