Deprecated. How to book several different items / rooms / facilities (several calendars) with one booking form ?

Deprecated for Update 9.8 or newer

This feature is available only at Booking Calendar Business Medium or higher versions.
You need to create new custom booking form at the Booking > Settings > Form page, and define several calendars.
Example, of configuration booking form with several calendars of different booking resources:

<style type="text/css">
	.flex_container { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: space-around; }
	.flex_item { flex: 1 0 auto; }
<div class="flex_container">
	<div class="flex_item">[calendar]</div>
	<div class="flex_item">[calendar id=2]</div>
	<div class="flex_item">[calendar id=3]</div>
<div class="standard-form">
     <div class="form-hints">
          Dates:[selected_short_timedates_hint]  ([nights_number_hint] - night(s))<br><br>
          Full cost of the booking: [cost_hint] <br>
     <p>First Name (required):<br />[text* name] </p>
     <p>Last Name (required):<br />[text* secondname] </p>
     <p>Email (required):<br />[email* email] </p>
     <p>Adults:  [select visitors "1" "2" "3" "4"]</p>
     <p>[submit class:btn "Send"]</p>

Where [calendar] - default calendar. You define this booking resource in the Booking Calendar shortcode, during inserting it into a post or page, for example in shortcode like this (inside of the content of the page) [booking type=5 ]. This shortcode define the main calendar (booking resource) with ID = 5 (parameter type=5 ).

[calendar id=2] - calendar of booking resource with ID=2

[calendar id=3] - calendar of booking resource with ID=3


How to configure for visitors editing / canceling their exist bookings or receiving link to payment form?

1) Firstly, create a new post or page, and insert into content of the page this shortcode:


You can just click at the booking button at edit toolbar and then at popup dialog select second tab for inserting this shortcode or just write manually it. Publish or update page and COPY the URL to this page.

Important! Please note, if you open this page directly, you will see this warning "You do not set any parameters for booking editing". It's because system allow to open this page only from link(s) in email templates, which your website visitor had to received, after he/she made the booking (inside of that link will be specific parameter (secret HASH) for the identification of the booking).

2) Now, open the general booking settings page and at the "Manage bookings section" for field: "URL to edit bookings" write (paste) the URL to the page from point #1. Save the changes of this settings page.

In old versions of Booking Calendar this field located at the Booking > Settings General page in "Advanced" section:

3) Open Booking > Settings > Emails page and inside of email template(s), where it's possible (you can check it at help section under the each email template), you can use these shortcodes (for the inserting links into the email templates), which are sending to the visitors:

- inserting link of booking editing by visitor at client side of site,
- inserting link for booking cancellation by visitor at client side of site,

- inserting link to payment page for visitor at client side of site.

4) You can test it for a new bookings.