Support Archive (2)

Important!!!    Check actual Support Forum, if you need to ask a Questions.

    • There are versions for 1 site usage and for multi site usage

  1. Is it possible to add booking double:
    First Guest stays till Friday 10:00 - Next Guest arrives at 14:00 o´clock. I couldn´t sea, that is possible, but this wouldt be very important!

    • Right now time is supported like property but not divide day into sections, This feature will suport at next releses.

      • Already supported. Feature is exist at the Booking Calendar Premium

  2. When trying to change the style of the date picker in your theme, some of it will be overwritten by the original css file. There is a work around by disabling the wpdev_booking.css inside the js/datepick directory, but it also deletes the css on the "Add booking" page in the admin. I guess it uses the same form as in your theme.

    • Form customisation can be done used client.css file at the css folder.

  3. Could i embed the booking function in php? The idea is to have a link which while open a lightbox with the booking form. Is it possible?

    • Hello, its possible during custom inserting of booking form

    • you can use booking action hooks for this, please check FAQ

  4. I keep getting 'Error during inserting into BD' when I try to add a booking from the site and from the backend.

    • If you use previos version of plugin before version 1.0, and curently you use version 1.0 then make complete uninstall plugin with “Delete booking data” turned ON at settins page.

      From version 1.1 this issue is solved.

  5. I´m interested in this plugin but i want to know how many different languages do you have this plugin translated.

  6. Can the plugin figure out the cost involved? For instance, if people take a room for 2 days, and they also need to be picked up from the airport, can the plugin work out the cost and display this to the user?

    • Plugin will support cost calculation based on the count of days and price 1 day or night or hourly rate.

  7. Does the professional version contain the ability to see a daily calendar with time slots so that someone can reserve 1pm-2pm rather than the whole day? If this is in the next release, when is that anticipated?

  8. I would like to use your booking extension in my website. I have the following question : Is it possible to show pictures and/or videos ..
    all the demo I see has nothing, every customer would like to see what he is booking ......



    • Booking form are inserting inside of the page or post.

      And you can add any types of media like picture or videos to this post/page and any text.