Support Archive (4)

Important!!!    Check actual Support Forum, if you need to ask a Questions.

  1. How can we change css for the calendar to show triangles instead of blocks for check-in and check-out dates when a client selects dates for booking - that is, BEFORE they fill out and submit a booking form. We want the blocked days to show partially booked for the first and last dates just as they do for pending and approved bookings.

    • Hello.
      You can activate it at the Booking > Settings General page in Calendar section. Please be sure that you have activated option "Use check in/out time" (which is available if you have multiple or range days selection mode active), and then you need to set as checked this option "Change over days as triangles".
      Save changes. Test it.
      Kind Regards.

      • Thank you! I have already set that option and it works beautifully. But I think you misunderstood my question.

        What we are looking to do is to have the change over days show as triangles when a client makes their selection but BEFORE they actually submit the booking form. So this would be when they hover over dates in the calendar and then click on a range of days. At that point the selected days show as solid grey blocks WITHOUT triangles for change over days. It is here that we wanted triangles.

        • Hello.
          Sorry, in actual versions of Booking Calendar does not possible to show triangles in hower days selection. It’s possible to show only for booked days.
          Kind Regards.

    • Hello.
      If you need to change colors in "Thank you" message after submitting of booking, so then you can make fix in CSS file for that.
      You need to open this file ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/css/client.css

      ( you can check how to edit files in WordPress menu in this article )

      then find this code:

      /* Thank you Messages */
      .submiting_content.wpdev-help-message.alert.alert-warning.alert-success {
          border-color: #b2dba1;
          background-color: #dff0d8;
          height: auto;
          font-size: 1em;   
          background-image: none;
          font-weight: 100;

      And make your FIX for colors here.
      Please do not forget to clear browser cache before testing these changes.

      2) In case, if you need to customize the Submit button, so then you can add to the bottom of the same CSS file the CSS code like this:

      .booking_form input[type="button"],
      .booking_form input[type="submit"] {

      Of course there you have to have your CSS
      Thank you.

  2. Hello there,

    I can"t solve a problem about the start-month option.
    I inserted the shortcode [wpdevart_booking_calendar id="1" startmonth='2018-06'] but still the start month is the current one... could you tell me if there's any problem in my shortcode that looks OK for me ?

    Thanks for your help,


  3. Is there a way i can remove the customized name "Powered by WP Booking Calendar" on the calendar

    • Hello.
      Yes, you can deactivate this message at the Booking > Settings General page in Advanced section after expand this link "Show settings of powered by notice".
      Thank you.

  4. Hi there, the last post I saw regarding this was 2015, so hoping there's an update/solution. I have a room for example, which has a capacity of 6 people. But it can be any combination of Adults and Children, so 3 adults/3 children, 4 Adults/2 Children, etc. But on the form itself I need to have dropdown options for 1-6 Adults, and 1-4 Children, but the total should not be allowed to go over 6 person limit. I also have different rates for adults and children.

    So how can I force a limit of 6 people on the booking form for the room, no matter the combination of adults and children?


    • Hello.
      Its still in TODO list for having such type of combinations.
      Currently Booking Calendar support checking of how many items to book only from visitors shortcode.

      It's means that children seletion must be part of visitors selection and will be I your booking form just for note about how many children from total number of visitors.

      In the Booking Calendar Business Large version, is possible to make several reservations per specific FULL date(s) by visitors (not time slots). Please read more about it here

      Kind Regards.

  5. Hello,

    We have a receipt for the first payment we made but we are looking for a = receipt for the upgrade we did from Business Small Single Site to Busines= s Large Single Site.
    We can supply the original Order Number if needed.

    Kind Regards,
    Karl O'Brien

    • Also, your support emails are not receiving any new mail.

    • Hello.
      The link for downloading invoice was sent to your email.
      Please check spam folder, if you do not see it in inbox.

      The support email have to work fine.
      Did you send some emails, which was returned ?
      Thank you.

  6. Hi there, how can the admin go in and manually add bookings without having to submit a booking form.


    • Hello.
      Its possible to create new booking for adin from Booking > Add booking page in admin panel. But there is still is submitting booking form for specific booking resource.

      In the Booking Calendar Business Medium or higher versions possible to block specific dates in calendar based on season filters. Please read more about this feature here:

      Kind Regards.

  7. We were talking in wordpress support forum.
    My question was: "Hi,
    i’m using wordpress 4.9.1 with booking calendar 8.1. I setup adding reservations with subscriber role but when i try there is an error like this: “cannot load wpbc-new”.
    I deactivated all other plugins but there’s no way to add reservations.
    With admin role it works correctly."
    Here are the screenshots:

    • Hello.
      Its weird, just retested and its working fine at my system.
      Did you can not access only the Booking > Add booking page 'wpbc-new' page or also Booking Listing page, as well ?

      Also can you try one more time open the Booking > Settings General page (while you logged in as administrator) and change for ALL menu items, including Settings, to "Subscriber" option (please be sure that you selected Subscriber, and not the Editor or Contributor user role (in your screenshot its in different language )). then save changes and retest it again .
      Kind Regards.

      • Can not access only wpbc-new page. I changed all menu items to Subscriber and now retested. Now i cannot access wpbc-new and wpbc-settings pages.
        Is there any compatibility issue with one of this plugins?
        - buddypress
        - bbpress
        - adminimize
        - user role editor
        - events manager

        • Hello.
          Until now, we do not know about any possible conflicts with these plugins.

          Please try to deactivate one by one all your active plugins at the WordPress > Plugins menu and make testing after each plugin deactivation.
          If its not help, please deactivate all your plugins and active the default WordPress theme. And then retest it again.
          We just need to find the reason of this issue.
          Kind Regards.

          • Thank you. The problem was the plugin "Restrict Content by Role"

            • Ok, good to know that issue have resolved.
              Kind Regards.

              • It should be nice to discover how to make the two plugins work together.

                • Hello.
                  In general Booking Calendar is checking if specific user (user role) have these capabilities:

                                                      'administrator' => 'activate_plugins',
                                                      'editor'        => 'publish_pages',
                                                      'author'        => 'publish_posts',
                                                      'contributor'   => 'edit_posts',
                                                      'subscriber'    => 'read' 

                  In case, if you will overload these capabilities in other plugin, so then its possible such issues.
                  Check more here