Pre-Sales Questions
It's one time cost. You can use your purchased version of Booking Calendar as long as you need on your website.
Also, you can request free updates your version of Booking Calendar (if such updates ready) during 6 months after initial purchase of plugin.
If you will need to extend period of support and getting updates to next 6 months, it will cost 50% from the original cost of your Booking Calendar version (original cost - its cost of Booking Calendar version without other discounts).
Optional subscription of getting updates with discounted cost.
Please note, during initial purchase of plugin, its possible to select (or deselect) optional subscription (billing each 6 months) for getting Updates and Support for plugin with additional discount. First 6 month during initial purchase of plugin, getting of updates is for free. Possible to cancel subscription of getting updates at any time.
If you was not selected subscription of getting "Updates and Support" during initial purchase, and if you will need (in a future) to extend period of support and getting updates to next 6 months, it will cost 50% from the original cost (original cost - its cost of Booking Calendar version without other discounts).
You can request new update of Booking Calendar on this page.
If my subscription for updates has expired or is canceled, will the plugin continue to work?
Yes, the plugin will continue to function as before, but you won't receive free updates for Booking Calendar.
While the plugin should work with your current WordPress version, there is a potential risk of conflicts with future WordPress updates. We can't predict the changes in future WordPress updates, and older plugin versions may experience issues.
To ensure the best performance, prevent potential compatibility or security issues, and keep your bookings safe, we strongly recommend keeping your Booking Calendar up-to-date and maintaining an active subscription for the latest updates and support.
Upon the initial purchase of the plugin, you can request free updates for your Booking Calendar version (if updates available) within 6 months after initial purchase of plugin. Additionally, alongside this purchase for receiving the latest update, you can activate an optional subscription at a discounted rate.
Optional Subscription for Updates:
1) When purchasing the plugin initially, you have the option to select or deselect an optional subscription for updates and support, billed every 6 months. For the first 6 months after the initial purchase, updates are provided for free. You can cancel this subscription at any time.
2) If you did not select the subscription for updates and support during the initial purchase, or if your subscription was canceled or expired, and you later need to extend the period of support and updates for the next 6 months, it will cost 50% of the original cost of the Booking Calendar version, without any additional discounts applied. Additionally, the system offers further discounts for subsequent subscription charges every 6 months.
However, the initial charge for this update is 50% of the original Booking Calendar cost ( without any additional discounts applied ).
You can request the latest update of the Booking Calendar on this page.
Yes, its possible to make upgrade from lower version to the higher versions of the same editions (for example from the Booking Calendar Personal single site usage version to the Booking Calendar Business Small single site usage version).
But its does not possible to make upgrade from the single site usage version to the "developer" or multi site usage versions or from the "developer" to the multi site usage versions.
The cost of upgrade from the lower to higher versions, usually higher than difference in cost between 2 versions.
The cost of upgrade from the lower to higher versions of single site usage versions higher on $5 than difference in cost between 2 versions.
The cost of upgrade from the lower to higher versions of "developer" edition versions higher on $10 than difference in cost between 2 versions.
The cost of upgrade from the lower to higher versions of multi site usage versions higher on $15 than difference in cost between 2 versions.
Booking Calendar offers a range of versions and editions to suit different needs. It's important to distinguish between the versions, which determine the functionality, and the editions, which specify the number of websites on which you can use the plugin.
Each version can be obtained in different editions, which dictate how many websites you can use the plugin on. The editions include:
Single Site Usage: This edition allows installation and activation on a single, specific website. It's suitable for those who have only one website to manage.
Developer Edition: With the developer edition, you can install and activate the plugin on up to 2 different websites. This is useful for testing on a developer server and a live website.
Multi-Site Usage: The multi-site usage edition enables installation and activation on a maximum of 5 different websites, making it suitable for businesses with multiple online platforms.
You can check overview of different Booking Calendar versions.
You can also check all available features for different versions of Booking Calendar.
Also you can test live demo of specific versions (both client and admin sides) to be sure in functionality and do not have misunderstanding.
Booking Calendar "Free" - this version is free, you can download it from WordPress directory.
It's very easy in use and powerful version for the creating reservation of one resource.
At this version is possible to make reservation for the one resource, like a room or car, or some service... etc. You can insert into the post or page the standard booking form with fixed number of fields and availability calendar, where visitor can select single or multiple days. Administrator and visitor can receive the standard email notifications about different actions, like a "new booking", "approve/decline/... of booking", etc... Administrator can make the booking at admin panel at the "Add new booking" menu page and configure the different settings of the booking form and availability calendar at the general booking settings menu page.
Booking Calendar Personal - it's paid version, where is possible to have booking availability calendar for the each of multiple booking resources (like a room, cars or any services, etc…). You can add new and configure exist fields in the booking form. Also you can configure the email templates for the different booking actions. You can able to edit the exist bookings, add comments to the bookings, print and export bookings to the CSV format, etc… Please check at the feature list and live demo of this version, full list of features of this version.
Booking Calendar Business Small - it's paid version, where is possible all actions from previous versions, plus you can receive the bookings for the specific time of date, set the cost of booking resource and integrate the online payment form of supported payment systems. Your visitors can make the rage days selection using the one mouse click in calendar, or setting minimum or sets of fixed number of days selection using 2 mouse clicks (check in and checkout dates), all middle dates will be selected automatically. Also here is possible to use the same date as check in/out date for the different bookings by activating the fixed time at the settings page.
Please note, if you will use the fixed time slot list selection (and not the time entering using the text fields) in the booking form, the timeslot list will be the same for the any date of week, in other words the fixed time slot list is not depend from the week of day. Also if some visitor will reserve the specific time slot at selected date at specific booking resource (calendar), this timeslot become unavailable for the other visitors at this selected date in this booking resource.
And much more... Please check at the feature list and live demo of this version, full list of features of this version.
Booking Calendar Business Medium - it's paid version, where is possible all actions from previous versions, plus you will have more advanced cost and availability management of the bookings. At this version is possible to set the rates, which will depend from the season filters, plus you can set the more advanced cost for the booking, where cost is depend from the number of selected dates. Also you can set additional cost for the option selection at selectboxes or checkboxes at your booking form. this additional cost can be fixed sum or percent from the final cost of booking. You can even activate and configure for the resources the deposit payment feature, what is mean that visitor will pay at the payment form, the part of the final cost of the booking. This version is also support settings availability per each booking resource, which is depend from the season filters. Also you can able to configure the several customization of booking form fields, it's mean that different resources can have different form fields. You can send the payment requests to visitors for the specific booking by email. And much more.... Please check at the feature list and live demo of this version, full list of features of this version.
Booking Calendar Business Large - it's paid version, where is possible all actions from previous versions, plus you can make the several reservations per the same FULL date (not a time slot) for the same booking resource (availability calendar). At this version is possible to set the capacity of the booking resource, it's mean that your visitors can make the several reservations per the same date, in other words, the date(s) in calendar will be available until lumber of reservations per these full dates is less than capacity of the booking resource. Please note, if you will use the timeslot selection for the booking resource with capacity higher than one, so then this timeslot will be simply record as a data into DB according this booking, but will not impact to the time availability. Also at this version you will be able to search the available booking resources in your pages or posts for the specific check in/out dates and specific number of visitors. This version is also support the coupon codes for getting discounts of bookings. And much more.... Please check at the feature list and live demo of this version, full list of features of this version.
Booking Calendar MultiUser - it's paid version, where is possible all actions from previous versions, plus each registered WordPress user of your site can have independent, individual, own booking admin panel. It's mean that each regular registered WordPress user can see only OWN booking resources and bookings and can configure the own booking form fields and email templates, own payment form integration data and costs of booking resources as some other settings... In this version is exist also the "super booking admin users", which can see and manage the bookings and booking resources from the all users and manage the status of other bookings users. And much more.... Please check at the feature list and live demo of this version, full list of features of this version.
Unfortunately we can not make personal customization or custom development on customer demand. But we can add features, that you need to our TODO list for implementing them in a future updates. You can add your request of specific feature at this page.
Please note, we can not specify some approximate time for implementation of the specific feature.
Thank you for understanding.
Please watch the video guides, check the FAQ, and review previously answered solutions in the plugin support forum before submitting a new question.
If you still have questions about configuring the plugin, you can contact us via support email or through the support forum. Support is available only through email or the support forum. We do not offer assistance via phone or video/audio calls.
Please note that you will receive a response within 24 hours. Typically, our response time is 2-3 hours during working hours (10:00 AM - 6:00 PM UTC+2). If you don’t see a response, please check your SPAM folder, or ensure you contacted us from a valid email address.
We can help with specific questions related to configuration or troubleshooting.
When reaching out, please provide detailed information about your issue. Avoid vague descriptions like "it doesn't work." We can't assist with general questions. Instead, explain the exact issue you're facing or the specific configuration you need help with.
We expect all support requests to be kind, helpful, and respectful. Any violation of this may result in the discontinuation of support for that individual.
Do not send "bumb" emails. Sending "bumping" emails can be reason of delay of responding to such emails. Kindly wait for an answer to your original email before submitting new questions.
Please note that we cannot use login credentials to access your website for testing or configuration purposes. Instead, please provide screenshots or videos of the issue you are experiencing, along with a detailed explanation of how to reproduce the problem.
What support do we NOT provide:
- We do not provide full configuration on the customer's website.
- We do not provide any customization of source code.
- We do not provide HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP coding for the Booking Calendar files or any forms in the plugin settings. This is the responsibility of your web developer.
- We do not provide WordPress usage training/teaching, configuration of WordPress websites, or server configuration.
- We do not provide training/teaching on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, or other programming languages.
- If you have custom code and experience issues, we cannot debug your code or search for mistakes. This is the responsibility of your web developer.
- We cannot assist with questions related to the functionality or configuration of other services or systems. Please seek help from the relevant support team for those services. Our support is focused on the "Booking Calendar" plugin only.
Please be sure to check the terms and conditions for the plugin usage and the support we provide.
We may discontinue support and cancel the active subscription (if applicable) for "support and updates" if the customer violates the plugin's terms and conditions or our support policy, or for other reasons, such as dishonesty, making accusations, or engaging in aggressive or disrespectful communication, among others.
You will receive support and the ability to request free updates for 6 months after initial purchase. After this period, if you do not have active subscription for support and updates and you need it for the next 6 months, it will cost 50% of the original Booking Calendar version cost (original cost – it is cost of Booking Calendar excluding any discounts).
Updated 2025-02-09
I can't find how to export to csv (as mentioned in
This feature available in the paid versions of Booking Calendar.
You need to open the Booking Listing page, then at the Actions toolbar click on the "Export" button.
After this you will be able to open a CSV file with bookings in MS Excel or some other applications.
Kind Regards.
can I auto-approve only on successful payment?
I dont want to monitor all bookings, especially if they are made very short term.
At the moment I only see the option to auto-approve any pending booking (so after creation of booking) but what if the customer does not complete the checkout or the payment fails?
Best regards,
Please check more here
And here
Kind Regards.
my previous request was apparently not sent correctly, at least it can no longer be found here and is therefore new again.
I use WPBC Business Large with WP6.7.2 and have a question about cost calculation.
Is it somehow possible to carry out my own calculations with the cost fields in the booking form? This means that I would like to create my own formula based on the selected options in the booking form, for example:
There is a booking form with 3 selectable options/fields: Opt1, Opt2, Opt3
Output value = price for selected option 1 with field name "Opt1" + price for selected option 3 with field name "Opt3"
I would like to determine this value and output it in the booking form, even if all three options have been selected. So far, however, only the output of the "additional_cost_hint" field seems to be possible and here the prices for all three selected options are added together.
Thank you very much for your always quick and competent support!
Tip & Trick. You can show cost hints separately for the each items, that have additional cost at Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page. For example, if you have configured additional cost for my_tax option at Advanced cost page, then in booking form you can use this shortcode [my_tax_hint] to show additional cost of this specific option. Add "_hint" term to name of shortcode for creation hint shortcode.
Please check more here
Kind Regards.
i've a question about refunds with stripe. Can the be processed through the admin interface or they can only be processed on stripe website?
Also, i've moved the installation on another domain but the payments link weren't updated. Where are the settings for those?
1) It can only be processed on stripe website.
2) What do you mean by payment link?
You can configure the payment details for your installation at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Payment Setup page.
Kind Regards.
if the user click on the back button in the checkout page of stripe it gets redirected to the wrong URL.
The wordpress installation has been moved to a new domain. Clicking on the back button the user is redirect to the previous domain URL.
The URLs in the settings are correct.
Please recheck your URLs at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Payment Setup page in Stripe section at the Advanced section.
Also please recheck that you correctly configured the "WordPress Address (URL)" and "Site Address (URL)" at the WordPress > Settings > General page.
Kind Regards.
We are embedding an availability calendar only, no booking form, and we would like to not have the "Booked" and "Pending" legend items visible below the calendar. Only the "Availability" legend would be visible for reference. What is the best way to do this? Thank you.
You can enable to show only the "Availability" calendar item under the calendar at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in "Calendar" section.
Kind Regards.
after doing an ICS import from Lodgify calendar, I don't see the room prices shown in the WP Booking Calendar calendar. Can anyone help me?
Please the import of ics feeds from external sources can import only the events and then
set specific dates as unavailable in the Booking Calendar plugin.
The ics feed does not sync the prices.
Also please note, the ability to show costs per dates or per selected dates possible only in the Booking Calendar Business Medium or higher versions. Activate this option at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in “Tooltips in days” section in those versions.
In your Booking Calendar Personal version does not possible to show the costs per dates.
Learn more about the key features and find brief setup instructions at
Additionally, explore helpful FAQs at
Kind regards
Is there any way to not have the parent resource selectable? For example, we have a 'cabin' parent with children that are the cabin names. We don't want users to book the parent resource though, only the child resources.
Is this possible?
You can define to set all dates for this one "parent" booking resource as unavailable at the WP Booking Calendar > Availability > Days Availability page or via seasons at the WP Booking Calendar > Availability > Season Availability page.
Kind Regards.